so so so, big man has something new and fancy to wear when it gets chilly this year, a scenario that seems almost unimaginable after the summer we've had so far. it's been so hot that even when i was taking this picture db was like "he's going to overheat! be quick!" and then we immediately stripped him. i love this pattern, it's the second wurstwärmer i've knit, it fits so well!
this is the ninth of the dirty dozen. i realized while counting them out with db last night that only two of the 9 have been sewing so my cat shorts (sneak peek soon!) are headed to the top of the "work on this now!" pile. hm... maybe i should've worked on the summer garments i have lined up before the fall dog sweater. ha! what fun would that be? at least i can partly blame the fact that my sewing machine was just excavated from the moving boxes this week. cat shorts up next! ...maybe.

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