Yeah yeah yeah, I've now knit these Some Cloudy Day legwarmers FOUR times and have another skein on deck for a fifth time. WHATEVS. England ruined most of my clothes (or should I say the "washing machine", aka clothes ruiner, we had in England did it) and I'm attempting to replace what I can with handmade versions and everything else with American made. You know, the usual. This pattern is tried and true and knits up so damn fast, perfect instant gratification to throw in there with the blanket that I currently have on the needles and the end bit of a shawl that seems to go on forever. The outer edges of shawls are murder, it's like a whole episode of something for one back and forth at this point and it is killing me. It's not just me right? Knitting a bit everyday and not finishing anything for a month and a half sucks some of the fun out of the whole endeavor. So, these.
I have an undying love for legwarmers and my low-qual, store bought black acrylic ones having shit the bed are now being replaced with these lovely wool almost black ones. The color is Duchess by Madelinetosh, it turned out a little less black than anticipated but it's still close enough to neutral for me. Legwarmers are the unsung heros of my wardrobe. They are so great for some extra warmth/extra color with boots and I love wearing them around the house to make my "catwoman outfit", which is basically black leggings, black tank top, black EVERYTHING, a little more fun. I don't wear color when I'm painting or dyeing, it's distracting. Plus you can't ruin black clothing with dye splashes and I'm never quite as neat as I want to be. And warm ankles? Never bad.
With a little luck these will be finished before this even posts. Bring it on fall! I am so ready!!!
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