meet future rad fox, not red fox. i bought the pattern for him a few weeks ago because i'd always wanted to make him and had to buy something for $5 to push my order over the minimum for free shipping. the plan hadn't really been to make him right away, but i went to a knitting circle/group/night/whatevs last week and every year for the Dutchess County Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck they vote on a house color and knit something to wear in that color for the festival. it's a pretty fun idea, and although i don't know if i can even make it to the show why not join the fun right? only problem was i actively hate the color red. don't ask me why, i like every other color.
enter mini fox friend, a happy red solution. knitting a red fox quickly turned into "but i want to buy that cupcake color for the tail..." and red fox, now RAD fox, will have dark pink ears and legs and a cupcake colored tail. i've even already got some pretty sweet mint colored buttons for eyes. i hope he's fun to knit, i can kind of see knitting like five of him and connecting them together into one of those gross but intriguing multi-animal stoles.
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