when i get money for christmas or my birthday i tend to save it forever and agonize over how to use it. my parents taught me very young to save most of it anyways and it ended up buying my books up to halfway through college. the other part that i was allowed to spend i somehow developed a little system of writing who gave it to me on the bill and keeping it in this wicked beat envelope in a secret spot to be used only for things that the person who gave it to me would approve of and want me to have. i still totally do this and i've managed to get a really nice set of interchangeable bamboo knitting needles like this, bought the supplies and lessons to build myself my very own nantucket lightship basket purse and nabbed a pair of frye flats that i wore all over europe last summer that i wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise. they were so comfortable, didn't give me a single blister and looked awesome, worth every penny (thanks vavó and auntie connie!). this gorgeous silk scarf however, was a bit more difficult to figure out. it's cute i want it... but for $96 i'm going to get some plain silk and a silk screening class! unlimited silk scarves
forever! my family must think i'm so weird.
leahgoren.etsy fab picasso silk scarf
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