Now for the socks! These crazy things work up so, so quick. Three days of non-crazed knitting and they were done. I had some of this most lovely of gender neutral colors, Edison Bulb, leftover from my first ever lace project a few years ago and it seemed like the most perfect and hilarious color to use. The pattern itself was kind of weird though. The heel and toe directions were overly number-y and made for a loose row along either side of the turn so I just frogged it back and used the short row heel and toe I usually use. All in all not a bad entry into the world of baby garments… which surely I'm now bound to be in until the bitter end. As long as I have friends that are cool enough to be excited for bizarre neon knit goods it's fine by me!
Garter Stripe Baby Socks by Jennifer Hoel
Madelinetosh Tosh Sock - Edison Bulb
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