As for my 2014 goals, I did alright considering 6 months of the year threw a wrench in a few. I meant to sew 4 things and knit 8, in reality I sewed 3 and knit 10. I'll call that a victory. (I'm also going to post about them when I get pics!) I didn't ride a cross race because I was out of the country for the whole season, but I run in tights now so that takes balls, too. Humiliation? WHAT IS THAT? Look at my tiny ass while I pant down the street, I do not care. I have almost completely weened myself off the teat that is cheap consumer goods; but jeans, bras and running shoes are just about impossible to avoid buying from China. And I did not seek gallery representation because I didn't have the ability to dye or paint in England for 6 months. Handstand? Um, that might be a never. I'm going to call 2015 the year of the still somewhat impressive compromise - arm balances! Not SO bad right?
As for 2015...
- Cook one new recipe a week, preferably vegan. Particularly aiming it at bread and canning. I'm really excited to be able to have my kitchen back! And a CSA share again! I really missed that this year.
- Dirty Dozen 5.0! Finish 12 projects in 2015. This kind of just turned into a way of life but it's fun to keep track.
- Continue with my USA made, local, vintage and small business consumer choices. Also has turned into a way of life for me since I've been doing it for so long, but you can always get better. Maybe this year I'll find some non fast-fashion tank tops, or better yet, learn to make them.
- Stick with yoga and running. Be able to run a half marathon and do an arm balance with ease. Maybe I'll even run an actual race! Got my eyes on you Broad St 10k…
- Work harder, chill harder, none of this halfway bullshit. It's not productive AND it just makes down time guilt ridden. That "I didn't do my homework" feeling has got to go.
I know it's over a week into the new year but we're all still being good and getting our goals done right? What are you guys working towards in 2015?
I'm looking towards eating healthier, stregthening my ab muscles, reading more and really thinking about what I knit and colour choices to fit my wardrobe. Also cleaning out things I don't wear or us.
ReplyDeleteThose sound awesome! I had the 'color choices to fit my wardrobe' thought a while ago and I just started buying all black and/or white clothes so I could still knit the crazy colors but actually be able to wear them more. It was half subconcious but it working out surprisingly well so far! All about cleaning out too. Keeping things I don't use just takes up space, plus donating them maybe they'll get some use. :) Good luck!
DeleteYour 2015 goals are admirable, and I hope you feel fulfilled from whatever you achieve, from that list or anything else that comes up through the year. I need to get back into a running groove. I have felt recently that I've done a lot of work-related learning in the past few years, which left little to no ambition for real-life learning. So, I am trying to make time to focus on enriching my regular, non-work, self. I want to learn more about things that interest me, read more, etc.