A few weeks ago db and I went on an epic New England road trip. We drove all over the damn place and it was awesome. It was also very Blair Witch Project at times as the pic above can second. We did way too much fun stuff for me to recount in one post, so here's part one of Epic Mountainous and Bicycle New England Roadtrip!

To avoid being rained on in a tent we pit stopped in NH at my Grandparents' summer house for the night. I love that place, I didn't want to leave. We went for a dark walk to the lake (top pic) and got to hear two trees fall when it was totally still and pitch black out. Luckily our car was spared, but it was close. We had to saw our way out of the driveway in the morning so we could continue on to Quebec!

Longest foot suspension bridge in the world. It was in Parc de la Gorge, Coaticook, QC and was sufficiently ridiculous. It was super high and really wobbly, so we jumped around a lot trying to make it shake and then took a faux horrified selfie, of course.

We got to camp in the ferns along a creek. It was a pretty cool campsite, even taking into account the 50+ vultures circling above the campground and the ever present faint scent of rotting flesh. I really want to know what gigantic dead thing was in the woods.
We used our camp stove successfully to make fancy organic oatmeal and... rainbow marshmallow hot cocoa. Priorities! It was vacation, they had better be rainbow.

USA that way! Next up VT...
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