
baker's doz: db's socks

db's socks! third finished project of 2013! totally killing it already! i started these last year in hopes they'd be part of the 2012 dirty dozen, but i let them take just long enough for all the magic of working on them to wear off. the one half of a sock i'd managed to choke out lived quietly in a ziplock bag, guilting me at all times, while i started and finished like 10 other projects.

when db went on a snowboarding trip i decided since i couldn't be chillin with him, i could at least make him a present. in one night i finished the first sock, doubling the amount i'd knit on them in like 1/10 the time. i managed to finish them in a week and db is all about them. he told me within 15 minutes of putting them on that i had to knit myself a pair of socks, they're that awesome. that's quite possibly my favorite knitting related compliment ever.

also, do you like his "foot poses"? i'm going to have to knit him more socks just to take more of these pics.

harvest dew by Rose Hiver
malabrigo yarn sock - caribeno
*cutest dog in the world not included
harvest dew and cute uzo


  1. they look great.. the dog is wondering where is pair is?

    1. haha oh man that would be so funny, i bet he would NOT be into little dog socks. maybe that's something i could make for fun with all my sock yarn scraps though! oh man, you may have given my the best/worst idea ever :)

  2. thanks! the pattern is way easier than it looks, always a good thing. maximum ridiculous factor with minimal complication :)
