
best job perk of EVER

so this morning i got my mind totally blown by using a tapestry needle instead of a bobbi pin for the first time when sewing up a gift for my aunt and decided "omg, i have to take a pic and tell the world how much i love my tapestry needle after work!"

WELL, after a rockin day at the shop we cracked beers and Jack was like "we've made it through april and the first 4 months of this year have kicked these four months of last year's asses... so i think the shop is buying all four of us new bikes"

WAY BETTER THAN A FREAKING TAPESTRY NEEDLE!!! ...though i still think that's amazing too

and i haven't managed to kill any of the five plants that have been under my care for the past 3 months either! two of them are actually blooming. damn, i'm on a roll.

now i just have to decide what bike to get. ok well that was easy

here's the tapestry needle

and now for some pizza

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